Highlitghts from the SEA4NEB Final Conference

We are glad to announce that on April 15th in Brussels we held the final event of the SEA4NEB project!

The event was dedicated to the results of the SEA4NEB project and was divided into three discussions:

The first discussion focused on the development of social economy clusters and the new European Bauhaus: the road to sustainable communities. The first panel was moderated by Alessandro Rancati, Karel Vanderpoorten (DGGROW), Giulia Miotti (Fondazione Horcynus Orca), Susanna Pignatello (Comune di Roccavaldina), Erdmuthe Klaer (REVES).

The second discussion was dedicated to unlocking the growth potential of rural spaces through the new European Bauhaus and social economy. This discussion was moderated by Urszula Budzich Tabor (Rural Pact), Matyas Szabo (DGAGRI), Iveta Balcune (Luznava Manor), Regita Zeila (SEAL).

The final discussion was devoted to the social economy for urban regeneration and the new European Bauhaus. The moderators of the final discussion were Ranko Milić (CEDRA), Gonçalo Veiga de Silva (DGREGIO), Radojka Tomašević (Municipality of Split), Julien Dijol (Housing Europe).

Take a look at Toby Johnson’s reflection on the inspiring perspectives shared during the event: the full article is available here.

We would like to thank all the speakers and participants of the event!

The SEA4NEB journey is not over, stay tuned for exciting news and updates on our community of practices!

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