Local Action Plans Preview
The Local Action Plans outline specifically social economy enterprises and their connection with local and regional NEB initiatives in Croatia, Latvia and Italy, as tools for inclusion and social participation, vehicles of innovation and strategic factors in the development of territories. The aim is to activate collaborations among local authorities and local stakeholders to identify actions and tools to promote local development according to the principles of the NEB and giving SE a central role.
Specific objectives
- To support further development of the good practices through integration of the lessons learnt through case studies and peer reviews;
- To enable awareness raising, capacity building and engagement of stakeholders for NEB, SSE/SEE, multi-sectorial and multi-stakeholder cooperation, and partnership including especially successful and viable co-design, co-development and co-management of the spatial and territorial development efforts;
- To explore opportunities for eco-socio-economic innovation and innovation clustering, creation of the sustainable business and economic models for spatial and territorial regeneration
- To create straightforward, feasible, fundable and financially sustainable action plans that will lead to concrete actions, programs, projects, incl. new value chains, improved existing, new and/or joint products and services, innovations, brands, etc.
- To explore opportunities for follow-up synergies, cooperation, alliances and projects including through larger scale and/or long-term strategic cooperation projects and programs;
- MAPPING. Mapping of relevant stakeholders and social economy players in the area.
- EXPERT INTERVIEWS with persons involved in economic development in region and social economy.
- FOCUS GROUP INTERVIEWS. With stakeholders, experts and practitioners from local authorities, social economy organisations and civil society to gather priorities, validate the objectives and identify shared strategies.
- COCREATION. Active involvement of each participant and stakeholders, connecting challenges to potential shared solutions and transform them in concrete steps.